Kooman & Associates, Inc

______ Creating ______ A plan with a purpose

In 2010, Altoona was the 10th most populous city in the state.

Creating a plan with purpose

Each financial plan our team creates is distinct because we recognize that no two clients are alike. Everyone is motivated by personal values and passions, and responds differently to opportunities and challenges. A successful financial plan must account for those differences. That’s why our financial planners work hard to understand all the aspects of your situation.

Our Transformative Wealth Process is the framework we’ve developed to help you create a plan for the things that matter most to you. It is designed to help you develop a clear understanding of your current financial position, so you can make informed decisions and move forward with confidence.

It all begins with you, starting with our discovery meeting:

Kooman Process Graphic discovery link clarity link mutual commitment link implementation link maintaining discipline link

517 S. Logan Blvd. Altoona, PA 16602 T: 814.941.4800 F: 814.941.4807 Map and Directions

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